Morada: Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159 Lisboa Telefone: 211 604 509* Telemóvel/whatsapp: 914 168 804** Email:
The Immunify program is a complete cycle of natural biomedical treatments developed to enhance immunity, modulate hyperreactivity, prevent and combat infections.
The Immunify program is a complete cycle of natural biomedical treatments developed to enhance immunity, modulate hyperreactivity, prevent and combat infections. This program aims to restore, modulate, and activate immune defenses, increase vitality, and aid in fighting infections.
Immunify is indicated for individuals with weakened immunity, autoimmune conditions, infections, infectious relapses, as well as for seasonal infectious prevention and allergies.
The program includes various treatments, including intravenous nutritional therapy and functional nutrition, aimed at improving nutrition and body function. Additionally, the program includes ozone therapy, acupuncture, NESA, and integrative nutrition, which encompasses techniques such as homotoxicology, homeopathy, orthomolecular, and biological medicine.
With the Immunify program, significant improvement in immunity can be achieved, along with a reduction in the incidence of infections and allergies, providing a sense of vitality and overall well-being.
The Immunify program is indicated for:
The program includes the following treatments:
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