• Morada: Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159 Lisboa Telefone: 211 604 509* Telemóvel/whatsapp: 914 168 804** Email: geral@oxyclinic.pt

  • Oxyclinic Programs

    Strengthen LIFE – Cancer Supportive Program

    Strengthen LIFE – Cancer Supportive Program

    At Oxyclinic, we believe that precision medicine is essential to help our oncology patients achieve complete and positive recovery.

    At Oxyclinic, we believe that precision medicine is fundamental to helping our oncology patients achieve complete and positive recovery. Our Cancer Supportive Care program is based on three main pillars, which work together to provide the best possible care.

    The first pillar is strengthening the patient’s immunity, which is crucial for fighting the disease. With precision medicine, we are able to analyze the patient’s genetic composition and develop a personalized treatment plan to improve their immunity and help them fight cancer.

    The second pillar is maintaining a healthy microenvironment in the patient’s body, with low inflammation and other conditions that may contribute to the development of cancer. Again, precision medicine allows us to tailor treatment to each patient and ensure that their body is in optimal condition to fight the disease.

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    Finally, our third pillar is to work in conjunction with conventional methods to ensure a healthy and positive recovery without negatively interfering with the classic treatment process. With precision medicine, we are able to continuously adjust the treatment to ensure that our patients are receiving the best possible care.

    At Oxyclinic, our Cancer Supportive Care program is a comprehensive approach to helping our patients achieve complete and healthy recovery. With precision medicine, we can personalize treatment for each patient and ensure they receive the best possible care to fight cancer.

    Available Treatments:

    • Intravenous Nutritional Therapy
    • Oncological Functional Nutrition
    • Ozone Therapy
    • Hyperbaric Medicine
    • Acupuncture
    • NESA Technology

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    Oxyclinic - Medicina Regenerativa, Oncológica e Hiperbárica Lda.
    Todos os procedimentos médicos estão sujeitos a avaliação ou diagnóstico individual prévio. Registada na ERS com o nº E165629 e licença nº 22608/2023

    Política de Privacidade | Livro de Reclamações Eletrónico | Resolução de Conflitos de Consumo

    Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159  Lisboa

    211 604 509*
    *Chamada para rede fixa nacional

    914 168 804**
    **Chamada para rede móvel nacional

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