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  • Osteopathy: Origins and Relevance to Health


    Osteopathy, a therapeutic approach emphasizing the relationship between the body’s structure and function, has its roots in the 19th century. Founded by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in 1874 in Missouri, USA, osteopathy emerged from detailed observations on how bodily structure influences health and well-being.

    Dr. Still, frustrated with the limitations of conventional medicine at the time, dedicated himself to developing a healing system that considered the human body as an integrated whole. He posited that many diseases resulted from structural problems affecting the body’s normal function. Based on this premise, he established rules and procedures that evolved to form the foundation of osteopathic science.

    A Holistic Science

    Osteopathy is recognized as a holistic science. This means it treats the body as an interconnected system rather than focusing solely on isolated symptoms. Osteopaths use their hands as the primary tool for both diagnosis and treatment. Through gentle techniques of mobilization and joint manipulation, they aim to correct structural dysfunctions, thus promoting balance and harmony in the body.

    Techniques and Benefits

    Osteopathic techniques include a variety of approaches, from gentle manipulations to joint mobilizations, all designed to restore the proper function of bodily structures. These techniques are used to treat a wide range of conditions, including back pain, postural problems, sports injuries, and headaches. By improving structural function, osteopathy can also positively impact the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems, promoting overall health improvement.

    Complement to Conventional Medicine

    Although osteopathy is distinct in its philosophy and approach, it is generally considered a valuable complement to conventional medicine. Osteopaths often collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care to patients. This interdisciplinary collaboration is essential for addressing complex health issues that may have multiple causes and manifestations.

    Spread and Specializations

    Since its inception, osteopathy has spread globally, adapting and evolving to include various specialties. Today, osteopaths can specialize in areas such as pediatrics, geriatrics, sports medicine, and more. This continuous evolution highlights the versatility and relevance of osteopathy in the modern health field.


    Osteopathy, with its emphasis on the interconnection between bodily structure and function, offers a unique and effective approach to treating various health conditions. Founded on holistic principles and supported by specialized manual techniques, it remains an important and complementary discipline within the current medical landscape. By promoting bodily balance and harmony, osteopathy not only treats diseases but also fosters overall well-being, reflecting its enduring and growing relevance in the health world.

    Oxyclinic - Medicina Regenerativa, Oncológica e Hiperbárica Lda.
    Todos os procedimentos médicos estão sujeitos a avaliação ou diagnóstico individual prévio. Registada na ERS com o nº E165629 e licença nº 22608/2023

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    914 168 804**
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