• Morada: Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159 Lisboa Telefone: 211 604 509* Telemóvel/whatsapp: 914 168 804** Email: geral@oxyclinic.pt

  • Specialities!

    Personalized and Integrative Psychology

    Personalized and Integrative Psychology

    Psychology is one of the most important areas in an integrative and personalized approach, as mental health is a determining factor for an individual’s quality of life and well-being.

    Psychology is one of the most important areas in an integrative and personalized approach because mental health is a determining factor for an individual’s quality of life and well-being. The integrative approach seeks to treat the patient as a whole, taking into consideration not only their physical conditions but also their emotional, psychological, and social needs.

    Psychology offers a variety of techniques and tools that can be used in conjunction with other specialties of integrative medicine to treat various conditions and improve the overall health of the patient.

    In the scope of personalized medicine, we have different techniques and professionals to tailor the best methods according to each person and situation.

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    At Oxyclinic, we invest in professionals with diverse tools so that their scope of action is as effective and personalized as possible.

    Combined with the personal work of the psychologist/therapist, we believe that the use of state-of-the-art technology can make this achievement faster and more effective.

    Therefore, we invest in various supportive technologies, such as NESA, among others…

    AIntegrative psychology can also help patients deal with issues related to chronic diseases such as cancer and cope with emotional and social challenges related to treatment and recovery. Additionally, this approach can help improve the quality of life for patients with conditions such as fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic pain.


    Meet our Psychology Team

    The best profissionals at your service.


    Dra. Liliana Cavaco

    Learn more

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    Oxyclinic - Medicina Regenerativa, Oncológica e Hiperbárica Lda.
    Todos os procedimentos médicos estão sujeitos a avaliação ou diagnóstico individual prévio. Registada na ERS com o nº E165629 e licença nº 22608/2023

    Política de Privacidade | Livro de Reclamações Eletrónico | Resolução de Conflitos de Consumo

    Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159  Lisboa

    211 604 509*
    *Chamada para rede fixa nacional

    914 168 804**
    **Chamada para rede móvel nacional

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