• Morada: Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159 Lisboa Telefone: 211 604 509* Telemóvel/whatsapp: 914 168 804** Email: geral@oxyclinic.pt

  • Specialities!

    Personalized Medical Oncology

    Personalized Medical Oncology

    Medical oncology is a medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients with cancer.

    Medical oncology is a medical specialty dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients with cancer. With the increasing incidence of cancer worldwide, the importance of medical oncology has grown significantly.

    Furthermore, medical oncology is increasingly integrating complementary, rather than alternative, approaches with the aim of addressing the person as a whole. This means that patients are treated holistically and personalized, considering their physical, emotional, and social needs.

    In our clinic, we believe that teamwork makes the difference. Here, the oncology patient is involved in the decision-making process regarding their treatment and follow-up. We ensure support in various areas that are part of being.

    Thus, the follow-up of oncology patients is carried out by a multidisciplinary team, promoting the active participation of all involved in joint decision-making regarding the treatment plan. The customization of the treatment plan is done with the utmost goal of promoting quality of life for the patients who seek us.

    The specialty’s main objective is to provide patients with effective and safe treatment, focusing on improving their quality of life. Our goal is to help minimize the side effects of treatments, such as fatigue, nausea, and pain, which can negatively affect patients’ quality of life.

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    Thanks to technological and scientific advances, medical oncology has evolved significantly in recent years. Treatments are becoming increasingly personalized and precise, allowing the multidisciplinary medical team to identify the best treatments for each patient based on the molecular characteristics of their cancer. This personalized and precision-based approach to medicine enables patients to receive more effective treatment with fewer side effects.

    Integrative oncology is especially indicated for cancer patients seeking a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to their treatment.

    At Oxyclinic, our focus is on integrative approach, which combines conventional treatments with complementary and integrative treatments. This concept is completely differentiating from so-called alternative medicines. This type of approach helps reduce the side effects of conventional treatment, improving the patient’s quality of life during and after treatment.

    At Oxyclinic, we believe that each patient is unique and deserves personalized and effective treatment, allowing our patients to receive more precise and effective treatment with more positive results.

    Regardless of the current state of health, quality of life is our commitment.


    Meet our Team of Personalized Medical Oncology

    The best professionals at your service.

    Medical Oncology

    Dr. Diogo Alpuim Costa

    Learn more

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    Oxyclinic - Medicina Regenerativa, Oncológica e Hiperbárica Lda.
    Todos os procedimentos médicos estão sujeitos a avaliação ou diagnóstico individual prévio. Registada na ERS com o nº E165629 e licença nº 22608/2023

    Política de Privacidade | Livro de Reclamações Eletrónico | Resolução de Conflitos de Consumo

    Rua Cidade Rabat, nº 37 L, 1500-159  Lisboa

    211 604 509*
    *Chamada para rede fixa nacional

    914 168 804**
    **Chamada para rede móvel nacional

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